How to Quit Drinking? | Quit Alcohol

Quitting alcohol can be a real challenge. It can entail a lot of hard work in order to succeed, but the long-term benefits really pay off. Once you have said goodbye to alcohol and successfully get rid of it from your system, you will feel a lot better inside and out. In addition, you get to live a healthier and fuller life with happy relationships.


How To Tone Lower Abs | Exercise, Keeping Fit

The lower abs are often a trouble spot for men and women. Even if you manage to lose weight on the rest of your body, this area of the stomach will often be left looking like a little pouch. And if you don’t know what you’re doing in terms of diet and exercise, that tummy pouch can be hard to get rid of.


Toning your lower abs cannot be done with exercise or diet alone. It is vital that you incorporate both diet and exercise into your fitness routine if you want to tone any specific part of your body, and that includes your lower abs. For that reason, you need to start your quest to tone your lower abs by writing down an exercise and eating plan that you will be able to stick to.


Create a Diet Plan

Start by counting your calories. You should keep a food diary with you every day. Write down everything that you eat, then calculate how many calories you need to stay the same weight with an online calculate. Compare this number to the number of calories that you usually consume. Try to shave off 500 extra calories each day. That will help you lose 1 pound of fat per week.


To help reduce bloating in the lower stomach, you should also consume less salt and more water. Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. Eating more fruits, veggies and healthy grains will also stop bloating and help you lose fat.


Protein is vital for your diet plan because it is the amino acids in the proteins that will help you build muscle to tone your lower tummy. If you eat meat, you should try to eat lean meats like chicken and turkey over red meats like pork and beef. Fish is another great source, and vegetarians can consume eggs, nuts, and beans to get an adequate amount of protein.


Create an Exercise Plan

Your exercise plan should incorporate both cardiovascular exercise and strength training. When you tone the abs, you need to lose fat, but you also need to gain lean muscle to replace that fat.


You can start your exercise plan by picking which days in the week to work out. To be successful, you should work out at least 5 times a week. Do 30 minutes of cardio every time you workout and at least 20 minutes of strength training.


You may choose to exercise at a local gym, outside, in your home or at a community fitness center. You can workout on your own, get a trainer, join fitness classes, participate in a sport or workout to fitness videos. You can also do a combination of these things. Try out skateboarding. It trains your core muscles as well as when you steer the skateboard like how Jake does it in Subway Surfers.


In terms of special exercises to target the lower abs, you can do push-ups, sit-ups, the plank, front and side crunches and the bicycle move for abs. Change it up every day, but remember that you cannot spot train, so only doing ab exercises will get you nowhere. Use all of the advice in this article to see results in your lower abs and the rest of your body as well.

Fitness For Life | Regular Exercise

Like a fine-tuned machine, our bodies are made to be in motion. We require regular exercise to stay in top form; not only physically, but mentally as well. Proper maintenance is needed to keep our bodies and minds young and resilient. Getting in shape and staying fit is a major concern for most people. Not only does it help us live longer, but regular exercise promotes physical and mental well being. From Yoga to Pilates, the different types of exercises keep you motivated and help you balance work with play. Not only does exercise make you look better and feel better, but it might even help you live a longer life. It’s easier than you might think. Regardless of age, gender or physical capabilities, there are exercises you can do and feel the benefits.
